
Showing posts from June, 2022

AF will fall this time

 All the other attempts were all failures or hoaxes made by metokur stans and wignats. But this time it is going to be different. Another anon on a image board claimed a intern swatted metokur. As we can see it its totally real and in no way made up fanfiction from metokur fans who are still pissed at Nick for destroying him in the great debate.  Spoiler alert this image is completly fake and has no evidence other than the fact someone posted it on 8kun. But it won't stop kiwifags from taking this fake shit as real. Anti AF are the biggest losers on the planet. They cope over how successful we are. While they just keep failing and failing.

the solar king Donald Trump

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Biz Right now

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my conservative leaning then vs now

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Yes it is Donald Trumps victory

 Never Trumper news source the National Review. A place that reeks of anti Trump GOP shilling. Is making the dumb argument that Roe v Wade being overturned isn't a Trump accomplishment. This claim is bullshit since without Trump the supreme court justices that were instrumental that the demonic ruling from 1973 being overturned wouldn't be there in the first place. Because in a alternative reality where the never Trumpers who shilled for CIA asset McMullin got their way then Hillary Clinton would be president and this wouldn't have happened. Even worse the 3 justices that Clinton would had picked would be used to strike down abortion restrictions left and right leading to abortion probably being legal up to 9 months by the end of her 2nd term. Trump was the only guy who promised in 2016 that he would end Roe v Wade and delivered on it even cramming in Barrett despite all opposition from RBG

Q is back

 You guys remember Qanon right? That controlled opposition plant that was made to sway boomers and low informed republicans away from American nationalism. in favor of this random 4chan then later 8chan account that said that Trump was engaging in some secret war with Globalists pedophiles.  Well after being gone for a year and a half. Q has returned to be controlled opposition once again. They think that they can pull this crap again. But the problem is that most of the base that used to be Q no longer associates with it anymore. And most people are becoming Nationalists in AF or being some wignat. Qanon hasn't been relevant since early 2021. They see that this is happening where everyone is becoming Groypers and are now trying to revive the Q WWG1WGA crap back from the dead. Which would take away people from us and make them into some crackpots. Q is not your friend and he isn't a Whistleblower who is exposing some Global pedo group that our savior Donald Trump is going to st

Pro-Life won

After 49 years of fighting for the unborn. The Pro-Life movement has finally achieved our biggest goal ever since the beginning. Roe v Wade has been overturned. Over half the country now has the ability to ban abortion entirely from their states. Saving future children from being snubbed out because some Bitch said killing it was their right as a woman. Hoes across America are now big mad that we finally did it.  And wignats are also seething about this since the fact that more minority kids are being born. Despite the fact that White babies are the biggest victim of abortions. And also if they get their way in abortion White women are just gonna snub out even more White babies since White women are still self hating White people who will kill their unborn babies if it meant that less White people will exist. There are so many people i can thank for the 49 years of hard work that lead to this moment. But i would primarily thank the supreme court justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito,

No Gorkha Ukraine isn't the American revolution

 One argument that Neocons use in order to justify either spending more of your money along with deficit money on (((Moderate))) rebels to give them guns and equipment or a no fly zone. Is because these rebels are fighting for the same values as we did back in the American Revolution. This claim is obviously untrue and CIA propaganda to get you to vote for more war in the middle east. But it doesn't stop them from claiming Syrian rebels or the fake Ukraine government are fighting the same reasons as we did. When Gorka isn't complaining about Nick Fuentes he is shilling for you to keep supporting Ukraine against the evil bad Russia. and these guys just want their country to be free by selling it out to NATO and the EU ensuring they will never an true independent government until the end of time because like with the rest of EU members their leaders are just puppets for the EU commission. And also if your group are considered Freedom fighters from the UN, NATO, Department of defe

"United" Methodist church is no more

 The writing was on the wall for when this "united" protestant church would eventually break up because of political differences. And it seems for the Methodist church it is already starting to break up into difference churches. This was bound to happen since all of America's Protestant churches. which for since the founding till around the 1980s that have been the bedrock of Christianity of America. Have been destroying their own futures by selling out secular leftists in order to appear woke and progressive. This leads to their membership declining over the years because most of their members aren't liberal and don't want their faith to raise gay flags and talk about how Jesus was a anarchist black person and how all White people are going to hell because stuff happened 200 years ago. This is even more prevalent in Churches that have been united under one. The united church of Canada which was founded in 1925 is regarded as the wokest church in the world. it was

Catturd got censored lol

 We all agree Catturd is the worst account on any social media. Hes entire account is unfunny MAGA boomer humor. And sadly he gets more clout and followers than actual conservatives on Gab. well his ass got censored on Truth social lol This also shows how Truth social is a fake free speech site that is used to drive away the conservative Twitter refugees from Gab to this site. Where they claim its free speech. as long you don't get caught saying gamer words, saying not nice things about Israel, or diss someone that Trump likes. or else the AI removes your post or bans your account. But still its funny to see this guy get banned on a place where most of the users laugh at his shitty boomer humor.

Northwest wignat thinks Hinduism is Aryan

Yeah i don't wignats will ever truly be taken seriously when they don't even follow their basic beliefs. This wignat thinks that Hinduism is somehow Aryan and a White religion. There are so much problems with believing in the Aryan stuff and this. For one this guy runs a group that advocates a violent war to make the northwestern republic a reality. A country that will be based on Nazi ideology. And last time i checked Natsocs didn't believe Indians had anything to do with the blonde hair blue eye Aryans. And another is that he believes Hinduism is actually a good thing in the first place. I mean come on that religion makes people believe that cow shit cures covid. And also you are worshipping false gods when you practice Hinduism.  I am just gonna stick with promoting traditional Christianity. something that will truly help us RETVRN unlike worshipping demonic gods and trying to bring back Nazism. despite the fact Nazism is a German nationalist ideology and not a universal

There is no appeasing these people

 Conservative inc since 2016 has been trying to making Homosexuality normal in the conservative movement. as in we shouldn't rally against them and their lifestyle. instead we should accept log cabin republicans and also MUH PRIVACY IN THEIR OWN HOME when the topic of sodomy is addressed.  One giant problem is that the Alphabet soup community hates straight people and the fact that Heterosexual relationships are the default relationship. So they want to do everything they can into changing the culture into making themselves more normalized and make Straight people as evil oppressors because we call them out on them brainwashing children.  Japan's supreme court has reaffirmed that the ban on Gay marriage is still constitutional. and the response from these people the fake right wants us to accept is the same story. The funny thing about this is that he is complaining about right wing boomers. but if he went to Japan and saw the politics of the 20-30 year old's. he would retr

Grifter Barnes hates Gab

Robert Barnes. the fat Zionist Grifter who still can't let go that he got humiliated with his debate with Nick Fuentes has been on a constant downward spiral after that.   He now hates Gab because of the usual cringe reasons he has. Claims of Porn being on the site. allowing anti Zionism and the fact he can't grift the dissident right on there because he would get ratioed. 1. Gab has a porn ban which is so effective that it prevented a Liberal troll brigade to mass post porn on the site months ago. so this claim is Fake News  2. This man is more angry over the fact that Gab allows anti Zionism on the site rather than the fact it has anti-Semites. He loves Israel and believes that in the whole Islamofascism bullshit that if we don't give Israel all this special treatment that we don't even give to our actual allies like Australia, UK, Canada, etc. then the evil Hezbollah and Hamas will destroy the west because they want to reclaim their homeland that was stolen from them

woke Buzz lightyear movie fails at boxoffice

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Wignats will never learn

 Wignats are still stuck in 2017 where we must form all these groups and movements in order to recreate the 4th reich. and no matter how many times these types of groups fail. they keep trying again only for it to lead to the same outcome. add in their national socialism or neofascism or bust because anything less than that to them is cucking. now they are back in full Force with another failed demonstration on Juneteenth that somehow is more pathetic than Patriot front. Reminder that these types of people were making the state government of Virginia shit their pants back in Charlottesville. now they are just giant laughing stocks. What's worse is that they think they are better than AF and the Groypers. a dissident right wing group that is actually making progress in this country in shifting the conservative base in America further to the right.  they key is that AF promotes the traditional America instead of larping as Nazi Germany. And also promoting Christ is king and not Neopa

Bruh what is that

 Juneteenth already has a great start with replacing a historic statue with some garbage modern art piece in the name of "Black Progress" this....... thing....... was the thing that replaced the statue of General Beauregard at Equestrian Statue in New Orleans.  The statue before it was taken down At this point i am done fighting for these monuments and statues in these cities since its a lost cause since all of our cities are controlled by minorities. White people left these cities decades ago and left the architecture, Monuments, and statues to be left behind in these cities in which they are getting vandalized by graffiti or gangs or torn down because the black mayor or self hating white mayor said its MUH RACIST. the silver lining is that most of the responses from the Twitter post of the mayor of New Orleans calling it "breathtaking" are roasting the hell out of it. because even they know that this modern art display is complete garbage. 

Fox News now Anti Porn

Fox News a place that used to be a place where you could find some Conservatism in it. but ever since 2019 they have become more left wing to the point where the only based people there are Tucker Carlson and maybe Laura Ingraham. everyone else is either a Neocon shill or a lolbertarian. this past month they have been blasted by the Right for having Bruce Jenner have her own segment on the network. and also reporting on a child's transgender journey in a positive light during pride month. and also add in all the other bluepilled stuff they have done in the last 2 years. From calling Arizona early to siding with the left in making a hit piece on Nick Fuentes. well now they are back with an opinion that should had been there since the beginning, but they decided not to until now. a porn ban. I only see this as a pathetic attempt to pander to the dissident the right to

Trump or Desantis

ever since last year the GOP establishment and some Dissident figures are in a fight over who should be the new leader of leader of the Conservative movement ever since Trump had his throne taken away due to the stolen election. that if the movement should either continue with Donald Trump to 2024 or throw him out for someone else. one of those choices is Ron Desantis. the current governor of Florida who has seen national attention for doing some based things. like being the first governor to defy the covid narrative coming from Fauci and the NWO. which wanted martial law and segregation of the vaccinated and unvaccinated. and also for him making the alphabet soup community big mad over banning LGBT propaganda for kindergarten to 4th grade. and also for a 15 week abortion limit. some people take this as an example on why he is presidential material. because if he does these based things that Trump isn't really talking about as much and also for being more against the covid narrativ

Rino Cornyn booed for supporting cringe Gun Control

 I think one of the biggest regrets in my life was believing in the whole elect a bro crap where we had to elect these rinos into power because we can't let Schumer become the majority leader. it wasn't until i got the true redpill after stop the steal that i realized most the GOP house and state politicians were Rinos and all the GOP senators were RINOS. It's already too late to ditch these people since most the Republican voter base took until now to realize how truly bad our senators are. with them now supporting gun control and red flags laws. something that back in 2018 and 2019 were claiming to be against. John Cornyn a guy who is known for being a Rino and a joke got booed at Texas GOP convention because he supports laws that are designed to take away citizens guns for fears they might do something bad with it. but in reality its just to take away guns from people who are political enamines to the American Regime. reminder he is supporting something that the left wan

well that was uneventful

 Truth Social for the better words is a dying website. Founded as another faux Free speech site that takes away Conservative netizens from the actual free speech site Gab. it has AI that bans people for being too based on their platform. i mean they said it was founded as a place where all people of the spectrum will be able to voice their opinion freely. but as of now not a single left wing person has joined the platform because they don't need to since their opinions won't get them in trouble with the staff at Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and all mainstream social media sites. Well 2 days ago California governor Gavin Newsom joined Truth Social because he deicded to go on this crusade against the evil right wing lies his announcement on Twitter  of  Course his first act was to push the lie that the GOP is responsible for the crime problems in Red states because muh GOP bad. and Democrats are good because its the party of caring to help criminals. of course this claim is complet


I still can't believe that this whole anti socialism crap is still around in the GOP even though its no longer 2019. even if they can do some good we gotta fight to the death to prevent it because comrade Bernie wants more spending programs. Mississippi Candidate Michael Guest is going after rival Michael Cassidy because he recommends that the government should give 20,000 thousand dollars to newly wed couples. so they can use it to start their new life as a married couple. reminder that this guy would rather spend money on things that don't help the American people like money for the Ukraine war effort. but when it comes to proposals that would help the people he complains about it. this isn't 2019 anymore we need to change our policy when it comes to the government helping out the people. Lolbertarian minded people like Guest thinks we live in a time where the average joe can pullup his bootstraps and make a living. while sorry to break it to you, but we don't live in

returning to Twitter

Nick has been banned from Twitter for almost a year along with many supporters of the AF movement apart from Jon Miller and Ethan Ralph who managed to survive every ban wave this site has done. and the remaining remnants that avoided getting banned eventually did during the branflakes genocide during December 2021 where the last Groypers were forced to sail to Gab to rejoin their compatriots who moved there long ago. for a while it seemed that going back to Twitter is a lost cause after Jack Dorsey left and was replaced with that Indian Guy. it even got to a point where TikTok had more free speech than Twitter.  That is until Elon fought back against the woke staff at Twitter and is now trying to buy the company as a whole. this gave us a hope we could return to the place that has banished us long ago. so we created accounts and hopped back on. only for reality to hit us like a freight train and we all got banned again. funnily enough i was banned on the exact day that Elon announced h

Introduction post

 hello my frens. this is my introduction post to my blog where i post random stories where i tell you how it is.